Yahoo buys Oddpost!
Natually, I go over to Oddpost to sign up and see how Gmailish its interface is, for myself. But, Lo! I don't see a "Register" link anywhere on the page.
But I found the following screen-shot of Oddpost over here.
Well, the interface doesn't look Gmailish any more than any of the other web-based email services. It looks like Outlook.
Gmail offerred a free 1 GB storage space, and a better UI than any of the other popular web-based email providers. Yahoo is offering 100 MBs of mail storage space for free. Now, that they've bought the developers of Oddpost, I'm all tuned-in to see how Yahoo's interface changes in the future!
BTW, was it mere conincidence that Yahoo announced this on a Friday, when everybody is packing up to get ready for the weekend :-)