The Mission
To create a dotcom business from scratch in 24 hours. That means designing and programming a complete and useful web application, recruiting people, doing marketing, creating investment programs and much more. After 24 hours, the complete business will be sold on an eBay auction, and everyone involved will be rich!
The Result
Very, very, very inspiring! Perhaps, I should get together with some friends, on a weekend, collect the creative juices of all, churn them, and use the development skills to come out with something nice and useful. Doing it along similar lines, would make it more fun to work on. Perhaps, that would help the itching in my mind. Perhaps for some time.
Very cool! Wonder what development issues they would have faced.
The punch-line of Dozomo goes: The Internet Commandline, emmm... well, I think they're only helping us do something like the following:
grep text search-engine
Super cool! Wonder if they're making a movie on this or something... :-)